And more Wildebeest

30 09 2010

A really good-looking herd of blue wildebeest was also delivered this week. It was a group of 25 and at least this time they arrived during the daylight hours so we could take some pics of them trotting off the truck. The entire herd stayed together and were observed grazing lazily next to one of the rivers the next day. There must be a good few hundred wildebeest on the reserve already and this lot will definately help to keep the gene pool healthy.

And more Impala

30 09 2010

‎63 more impala were released last week. Unfortunately it was at night so no good pics – only this one on the truck. All of them stepped off healthy and as Delia said, would have woken up in paradise the next morning. It was great to have Garry and Shirley Boyd present for this event – sorry you missed your dinner because of it.

More red hartebeest introduced

2 09 2010

The official arrival of spring on 1 September saw the introduction of more red hartebeest to Mountainlands. This is part of the ongoing stocking program and to augment the gene pool of the hartebeest populations on the reserve. Unfortunately they came out of the truck at such speed that we mostly only managed to photograph their fast disappearing rear ends.